常見問題 \ Frequently Asked Questions
一般訊息 \ General Information
2. 茶葉來源 \ Where we source the tea from ?
3. 農藥檢測 \ Pesticide residue test
關於出貨 \ Delivery
1. 台灣本島配送 \ Local delivery in Taiwan
2. 國際配送 \ International delivery
3. 我遲遲沒收到訂單 \ After decades, I still have not received my orders
4. 我的訂單少了商品 \ Something missing in my order
關於付款 \ Payments
1. 如何付款? \ How can I pay for my order ?
2. 貨到付款 \ Cash On Delivery
3. 退款 \ Refunds
關於訂單 \ Orders
1. 取消訂單 \ Cancel my orders
2. 更改訂單 \ Change my orders
3. 商品有破損 \ Receving faulty item
4. 收到的商品不是我訂的 \ You've sent the wrong item
5. 被取消訂單 \ Why have you canceled my order ?
6. 下訂之後未收到訂單確認信 \ Not receving order confirmation email after order been placed
關於退貨 \ Returns
1. 會員 14 天鑑賞期 \ Memebrs-Only 14 days money back guarantee policy
2. 我想要退貨 \ I want to return something
技術性問題 \ Technical Issues
1. 網站問題 \ Reporting website errors
2. 無法登入帳號 \ Cannot log in my acccount
3. 忘記密碼 \ Forgot password ?